I have one sound card and one pair of Bluetooth headphones. I want to play my audio through both my sound card and my Bluetooth headphones.

I believe Windows has checkboxes that allow you to "check" outputs to enable/disable them, but Ubuntu seemingly has the equivalent of radio selectors (you can only select one at a time).

Bonus question: On a similar note, I have 5 analog output channels on my sound card (in addition to my digital & HDMI audio) -- I would like to be able to determine what comes out of each of those ports (e.g. "front speakers" on all 5 or "front", "center", "back", etc).

  • 1
    I have read all answers, checking answer date too. What is the current solution for ubuntu 18.04?
    – LeonidMew
    Commented Jan 21, 2019 at 8:56
  • 5
    Yes, the version of paprefs in Ubuntu 18.04 repos is useless (because it still thinks GConf is in fashion and hence fails to work). The best alternative is to, you know, load the module-combine-sink of PulseAudio yourself (because that's all paprefs does behind-the-scene anyway). Use command pactl load-module module-combine-sink and check the Sounds section of Ubuntu Settings. Commented Aug 11, 2019 at 16:16
  • 1
    In Ubuntu 19.10 solution with paprefs works out of box again. Commented Nov 22, 2019 at 7:15
  • 1
    Ubuntu 20.04 - paprefs worked for all hard-connected speakers, after closing all audio settings & restarting the pulsaudio killall pulseaudio however it disconnected my bluetooth speaker - had to reconnect and switch to it and back to the multioutput :)
    – jave.web
    Commented Feb 9, 2021 at 11:46
  • it works but the timing is a mess. i understand now why no professional wanted to write software for linux. the complete audio architecture is a bit of a mess. pulseaudio being more network oriented and jack single audio device. it is hard to create tight sync between multiple audio devices. The synchronisation issues are simply not easy to solve.
    – U.V.
    Commented Nov 28, 2021 at 3:13

8 Answers 8


With paprefs you have access to a virtual output device that enables simultaneous output to all attached sound cards and devices:

sudo apt install paprefs

Then in the terminal run paprefs, select Simultaneous Output tab, and check Add virtual output for simultaneous output on all local sounds cards.


The additionally created audio output device for simultaneous output may be selected in the Output tab from the PulseAudio Sound Preferences menu (pavucontrol):

pavucontrol screenshot

In this example it is shown for an HDMI-device, but, as soon as your Bluetooth device is recognized, it will also be available for simultaneous output.

The changes may need a restart of PulseAudio to take effect, either by logging out and back in to your session or by running pulseaudio -k in a terminal.

In case paprefs does not do the job or if you prefer to have paprefs not installed, use this command from the command line:

pactl load-module module-combine-sink

To unload the module from the command line and reset PulseAudio to defaults, just restart PulseAudio with:

pulseaudio -k

or issue:

pactl unload-module module-combine-sink
  • 5
    This gets the job done. As I get deeper into audio development, I would really like to be able to select specific devices and/or ports, though. Commented Nov 13, 2011 at 3:14
  • 2
    @NathanJ.Brauer: you may be interested in this answer. For changing ports see also the pulseaudio wiki I linked to there.
    – Takkat
    Commented Nov 13, 2011 at 7:43
  • 3
    this one doesn't work for me in 18.04. If you know how I can do this with ALSA please help me here: askubuntu.com/q/1042485/586277
    – ICE
    Commented Jun 2, 2018 at 19:38
  • 5
    doesnt work for me in ubuntu 16.04. I don't see any such option like "Simultaneous output" in the sound preferances window
    – node_man
    Commented Mar 26, 2019 at 9:46
  • 2
    @Jollywatt - Separate volume control of each audio device is possible through PulseAudio Preferences (pavucontrol), under both 'Playback' and 'Output' tabs.
    – cipricus
    Commented Sep 16, 2019 at 11:44


I've just confirmed this solution still works on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

  1. Install: Open terminal and type sudo apt install paprefs go to the tab exactly as per the picture above and select the option.
  2. Initial Run:
    1. Remaining in terminal, type pulseaudio -k to kill and restart pulseaudio (this way with current systemd pulseaudio user service).
    2. Then go to your sound settings and you will see the option to output to multiple sound devices.
    3. Props to whoever wrote paprefs it's a brilliant little piece of software I would actually like to see included in Ubuntu without requiring additional installation.

Apple Mac OS X

A similar solution is available via an included piece of software and whats so great about pulseaudio is that the sound seems to be perfectly in-sync from both outputs so it must be adjusting for the lag as well which is why its so impressive; otherwise we would be hearing a slightly delayed version from one output and another.

  • 1
    thanks for doing the work to check if solution is still valid! Commented Jan 12, 2016 at 15:58
  • 2
    This also works on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
    – aggsol
    Commented Jan 21, 2017 at 14:42
  • Thanks, just confirmed this works in Linux Mint 20. It's per user so you have to do the command as the desktop user. Commented Feb 19, 2023 at 1:44

In Kubuntu 18.04, Plasma 5.12 paprefs is not needed, as a similar setting is already there:

enter image description here

A new output option should become available after reboot, called “Simultaneous output”.

enter image description here

Or in pavucontrol:

enter image description here

In 18.10 with Plasma 5.13.5 that “Simultaneous output” option has been removed, so paprefs is needed.

  • 1
    "Simultaneous output" is still available on my ArchLinux with KDE 5.19.2
    – user690429
    Commented Jul 6, 2020 at 10:26

I could not get Takkat's proposal work out of the box in Debian 8.7, although I restarted the system. I assume you have completed Takkat's proposal in installing paprefs. Extension on Takkat's answer which works based on Arch Linux wiki where keep analog input and Pulse calls that "duplex"

# /etc/pulse/default.pa
# http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/180374/16920
load-module module-alsa-sink device=hdmi:0
load-module module-combine-sink sink_name=combined
set-default-sink combined

Then restart pulseaudio:

pulseaudio -k
  • For me, this one worked when I had device="hw:0,0" as per aplay -l (see forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=264540#p1436479)
    – Laurenz
    Commented Aug 11, 2018 at 15:57
  • Make sure to put at top of file! This works for me (hw:0,0) on Ubuntu 18.04.2, playing on two HDMI monitors, after I moved the lines to the top. Commented Jul 10, 2019 at 22:20

Because LeonidMew was asking about 18.04 (I'm using 18.04.2), here's my version.

The GUI paprefs tried to combine one HDMI with one analog output, instead of both hdmi. So I edited the file /etc/pulse/default.pa as described by Léo Léopold Hertz

$ gedit /etc/pulse/default.pa  # make changes as in method a or b below
$ pulseaudio -k # then restart pulseaudio

Both the following methods work on their own, so pick one (make sure to add these lines to the top of the file, I put it right after .fail ! Otherwise it doesn't work).

Method A

load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,0
load-module module-combine-sink sink_name=combined

Method B

load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:1,3 sink_name=hdmi
load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:1,7 sink_name=hdmi2
load-module module-combine-sink sink_name=combined slaves=hdmi,hdmi2
set-default-sink hdmi-combined


Method A

For reference, the hw:0,0 comes from aplay -l

$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 1: ALC892 Digital [ALC892 Digital]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 9: HDMI 3 [HDMI 3]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

Method B

And the 1:7 and 1:3 comes from

$ pacmd list-sinks | grep -e 'name:' -e 'alsa.device ' -e 'alsa.subdevice '
    name: <alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.iec958-stereo>
        alsa.subdevice = "0"
        alsa.device = "1"
    name: <alsa_output.pci-0000_01_00.1.hdmi-stereo-extra1>
        alsa.subdevice = "0"
        alsa.device = "7"

On the GNOME "sound settings" I set the other HDMI from 2nd monitor as output, and then re-ran the command

$ pacmd list-sinks | grep -e 'name:' -e 'alsa.device ' -e 'alsa.subdevice '
    name: <alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.iec958-stereo>
        alsa.subdevice = "0"
        alsa.device = "1"
    name: <alsa_output.pci-0000_01_00.1.hdmi-stereo>
        alsa.subdevice = "0"
        alsa.device = "3"

To verify these numbers are correct, I ran

$ aplay -D plughw:1,3 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Right.wav
$ aplay -D plughw:1,7 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Right.wav

which sounded on their respective monitors.


To complement the excellent answer from Takkat, I found the default name given to the new device was excessively long and distorted the Sound Settings dialog. In order to shorten that name, I had to additionally execute the following command:

gconftool --set --type string /system/pulseaudio/modules/combine/args0 sink_properties=device.description=Combined

Sound settings with combined device

  • 6
    How do I undo this?! Commented Feb 26, 2018 at 14:07

With Pipewire (Ubuntu 23.04+)

Recent versions of Ubuntu use Pipewire instead of Pulseaudio. The proper way to configure Pipewire is as simple as (based on Pipewire’s Combine Stream module):

  1. Create a file named 10-simultaneous-output.conf in ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d with the following content:
context.modules = [
{   name = libpipewire-module-combine-stream
    args = {
        combine.mode = sink
        node.name = "combine_sink"
        node.description = "Simultaneous Output"
        combine.latency-compensate = false
        combine.props = {
            audio.position = [ FL FR FC LFE SL SR ]
        stream.props = {
        stream.rules = [
                matches = [
                    # any of the items in matches needs to match, if one does,
                    # actions are emited.
                        # all keys must match the value. ! negates. ~ starts regex.
                        #node.name = "~alsa_input.*"
                        media.class = "Audio/Sink"
                actions = {
                    create-stream = {
                        combine.audio.position = [ FL FR FC LFE SL SR ]
                        audio.position = [ FL FR FC LFE SL SR ]
  1. Restart Pipewire:
systemctl --user restart pipewire.service
  1. Select the new “Simultaneous Output” as output device
    • globally in the Sound Settings or the top-right menu of Gnome
    • per application via PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol), which, despite the name, also manages Pipewire

That’s it!

  • Maybe worth mentioning that the "pavucontrol" utility, despite referring to PulseAudio in the name, will allow to manage devices with PipeWire as well, so (once these instructions are followed) it can be used to assign the "Simultanous Output" device to the desired app(s). Commented May 6 at 12:16
  • @PietroBattiston good idea, I have updated the answer
    – Didier L
    Commented May 6 at 15:10


Actually, with pipewire, just the GUI part seems to bee missing for this to work (in GNOME, as of GNOME 45).

Actually, there are many GUI tools for this and similar tasks (like distorting audio or so), just search for pipewire on Flathub e.g..

I tested some and found Helvum to be good and working for that use case.. In the self-proclaimed “graphical patchbay for PipeWire”. You can just connect the same source twice there or mix that up even more: .

I.e. drag and drop the source from the left to the right, where the audio devices are. (Note FL is left audio and FR is right audio) The disadvantage/important thing to note is the source only appears once it has audio output and you need to configure this for each application. (though, the benefit of course is, you can configure it separately)

The benefit is this also works on immutable distros.

My tries

Before using Fedora Silverblue 39 I tried using the paprefs:

$ rpm-ostree install paprefs             
Checking out tree 9450953... done
Enabled rpm-md repositories: fedora rpmfusion-free fedora-cisco-openh264 updates rpmfusion-free-updates updates-archive
Importing rpm-md... done
rpm-md repo 'fedora' (cached); generated: 2023-11-01T00:12:39Z solvables: 70825
rpm-md repo 'rpmfusion-free' (cached); generated: 2023-11-04T16:49:08Z solvables: 445
rpm-md repo 'fedora-cisco-openh264' (cached); generated: 2023-12-12T17:22:46Z solvables: 4
rpm-md repo 'updates' (cached); generated: 2024-03-18T02:04:08Z solvables: 24253
rpm-md repo 'rpmfusion-free-updates' (cached); generated: 2024-03-10T16:19:26Z solvables: 164
rpm-md repo 'updates-archive' (cached); generated: 2024-03-18T02:34:06Z solvables: 36849
Resolving dependencies... done
error: Could not depsolve transaction; 1 problem detected:
 Problem: package pulseaudio-module-gsettings-16.1-5.fc39.x86_64 from fedora requires libpulsecore-16.1.so()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
  - package pulseaudio-module-gsettings-16.1-5.fc39.x86_64 from fedora requires pulseaudio(x86-64) = 16.1-5.fc39, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package pipewire-pulseaudio-1.0.4-2.fc39.x86_64 from @System conflicts with pulseaudio provided by pulseaudio-16.1-5.fc39.x86_64 from fedora
  - package pipewire-pulseaudio-1.0.4-2.fc39.x86_64 from @System conflicts with pulseaudio-daemon provided by pulseaudio-16.1-5.fc39.x86_64 from fedora
  - package pulseaudio-16.1-5.fc39.x86_64 from fedora conflicts with pulseaudio-daemon provided by pipewire-pulseaudio-1.0.4-2.fc39.x86_64 from @System
  - package paprefs-1.2-5.fc39.x86_64 from fedora requires pulseaudio-module-gsettings, but none of the providers can be installed
  - conflicting requests
  • 1
    FYI I just posted my own answer with proper configuration, you may want to try that.
    – Didier L
    Commented Apr 15 at 23:21
  • Great, yeah, but a GUI and temporary change is fine for me. My use case is covered quite good if it is explicitly not persisted, so let's not accidentially persist this config. 😉
    – rugk
    Commented Apr 17 at 21:41

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