Note: On [1], please "Disable SSL Protection" in order to see poll results more clearly. Alternatively, click here[1].
From [1] (Ubuntu Forums) (SSL) (emphasis mine):
[This is an active poll, so I cannot do exact quoting]
[Note that even if the last answer is from 2007, these can change any time]
201 voters
- shoo-BOON-too: 15 (7.46%)
- ksoo-BOON-too: 51 (25.37%)
- ECKS-oo-BOON-too: 76 (37.81%)
- shuh-BUN-too: 9 (4.48%)
- KSYOO-boon-too: 3 (1.49%)
- ksuh-boon-TOO: 20 (9.95%)
[Stupid ones]
- tsongas-HOO: 0 (0%)
- SKOO-bee-DOO: 7 (3.48%)
- SPORK-for-TOO: 3 (1.49%)
- BOO-tros-BOO-tros-GAH-lee: 17 (8.46%)
This confirms "exu-buntu" is correct.
From [2] (Wikia:Linux) (emphasis mine):
Xubuntu (Pronounced: /zù'búntú/) is an official Ubuntu-based operating system.
This confirms "zu-buntu" is correct.
From [3] (English Wikipedia) (SSL) (emphasis mine) ("special" links removed):
Xubuntu (/zuːˈbuːntuː/ zoo-BOON-too) is a Canonical Ltd.–recognized, community-maintained derivative of the Ubuntu operating system.
This, again, confirms that "zu-buntu" is correct.
From these sources, we can conclude that:
- "exu-buntu" has got 1 vote
- "zu-buntu" has got 2 votes—Winner