I want to configure a local apt-mirror on my 16.04 Ubuntu server. In my mirror.list, I downloaded only main and restricted packages, since I don't have enough space for all of it.

After downloading 20gb of packages I created a slink in /var/www/html named ubuntu so I can access the packages via apache. And finally I edited the sources.list on client and changed fr.archive.ubuntu.com with my IP. But when I run apt-get update, its shows this:

enter image description here

And installing a package gives this:

enter image description here

Can somebody please help me? Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


If you use apt-mirror v.0.5.1-1 like me. This issue can be fixed by add DEP-11 index download into /usr/bin/apt-mirror after line 611 of the file.

here is the code.

## DEP-11 index download

%urls_to_download = ();

sub find_dep11_files_in_release
    # Look in the dists/$DIST/Release file for the DEP-11 files that belong
    # to the given component and architecture.

    my $dist_uri  = shift;
    my $component = shift;
    my $arch      = shift;
    my ( $release_uri, $release_path, $line ) = '';

    $release_uri  = $dist_uri . "Release";
    $release_path = get_variable("skel_path") . "/" . sanitise_uri($release_uri);

    unless ( open STREAM, "<$release_path" )
        warn( "Failed to open Release file from " . $release_uri );

    my $checksums = 0;
    while ( $line = <STREAM> )
        chomp $line;
        if ($checksums)
            if ( $line =~ /^ +(.*)$/ )
                my @parts = split( / +/, $1 );
                if ( @parts == 3 )
                    my ( $sha1, $size, $filename ) = @parts;
                    if ( $filename =~ m{^$component/dep11/(Components-${arch}\.yml|icons-[^./]+\.tar)\.gz$} )
                        add_url_to_download( $dist_uri . $filename, $size );
                    warn("Malformed checksum line \"$1\" in $release_uri");
                $checksums = 0;
        if ( not $checksums )
            if ( $line eq "SHA256:" )
                $checksums = 1;

print "Processing DEP-11 indexes: [";

foreach (@config_binaries)
    my ( $arch, $uri, $distribution, @components ) = @{$_};
    print "D";
    if (@components)
        $url = $uri . "/dists/" . $distribution . "/";

        my $component;
        foreach $component (@components)
            find_dep11_files_in_release( $url, $component, $arch );

print "]\n\n";

push( @index_urls, sort keys %urls_to_download );
download_urls( "dep11", sort keys %urls_to_download );

foreach ( keys %urls_to_download )
    s[~][%7E]g if get_variable("_tilde");
    $skipclean{$_} = 1;

Then run update your mirror sever again. It should work.


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