The linux world offers less 'pseudo optimization tools' from my point of view
What you might consider is - and that doesn't covers everything for sure:
TLP regarding battery usage
TLP brings you the benefits of advanced power management for Linux without the need to understand every technical detail. TLP comes with a default configuration already optimized for battery life, so you may just install and forget it. Nevertheless TLP is highly customizable to fulfill your specific requirements.
You can install TLP via
sudo apt install tlp
So tlp will most likely not boost your power (however you might define that) - but help optimize battery usage.
GFX Driver regarding graphic power
Ubuntu comes with a GUI which lets you choose 'Additional drivers'. Usually this covers primarily the graphic drivers - check what you are currently using and consider testing others.
It really depends what hardware you are using here - feel free to add this info to your initial post.
Regarding flash
Flash support on Linux isn't perfect - to be honest the best working solution i know for that area is using Google Chrome with its in-build flash version and in addition try to prefer HTML5 on Youtube instead of flash itself to reduce the amount of flash usage in general.