I was using Android studio 1.5. I fired up the studio and then locked it to the launcher. That made it very easy to fire up from there on.

Now I just updated to 2.0. I unlocked the first icon from the launcher, went to the 2.0 directory and used ./studio.sh. As expected, up came version 2.0. Great, now to lock it to the launcher bar. Done. Exit the studio and press the icon. What comes up? Good ole 1.5 which I no longer want to use.

There must be some sort of path variable which I am not finding. What I got from printenv is


which clearly has no reference to either version of Android studio. So where does the icon on the launch bar get its location from? How can I update it to the new location?

1 Answer 1


1) Go to the installation dir, and fire it up with ./studio.sh

2-A) [For > v2.0] There is an option to add a shortcut in Android Studio's "main menu": enter image description here

2-B) [For < v2.0] There is an option to add a shortcut in Android Studio's "main menu": enter image description here

  • Great answer which I hope will help others. The only "problem" is that you are using the version I upgraded from. In 2.0 it no longer appears where you show it. Instead there is a configure wheel at the bottom and it is one of the options. (I may have used the desktop entry when I started with 1.5.1 but I no longer remember.) In any case your answer is very much to the point.
    – Ilan
    Commented Apr 20, 2016 at 16:17

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