I have just installed transmission on my server which runs Ubuntu desktop. I have no issue with downloading files and so forth, but would like to keep a terminal window open on my work computer where I can see how far download have come.

Currently I do this with transmission-remote -n 'user:pwd' -l, but this just outputs the current status for the torrents at that given second. I would like a similar list, but one that keeps updating so I don't have to type the above command all the time.

Anyone know a way to do this? I saw a guy do it with this cmd: transmission-remote-cli.. but i don't have that.. I have transmission-cli but I can't get it to work as the guy with used transmission-remote-cli did.

Hope somebody can help :-)

3 Answers 3


The watch command can be used to run a program periodically and show the output.

I don't have transmission installed so I can't test this, but something like

watch --interval 5 'transmission-remote -n 'user:pwd' -l'

should do what you want.

More information on watch by typing man watch or here

  • 1
    Went with the answer above, but I did not know "watch".. definitely gonna be using that in the future :-) Commented Mar 18, 2016 at 10:29

There is no option to constantly monitor the status of transmission-daemon using transmission-cli, it's just not a tool made for that.

transmission-remote-cli on the other hand works very well for that. Do you have a specific reason to not install it?

sudo apt-get install transmission-remote-cli

You would be able to connect to the daemon simply by running:

transmission-remote-cli -c host:port

Or in case you enabled authentication on the daemon:

transmission-remote-cli -c username:password@host:port

Otherwise, yet another option would be connecting to the daemon using the web interface by visiting:


Obviously host and port in the above commands / URL are to be replaced with the host and the port of the server running the daemon.

  • 2
    I have no idea why i haven't installed the transmission-remote-cli, maybe i though transmission-cli would be enough :) I got everything to work after installing transmission-remote-cli and then making the following command: transmission-remote-cli -c user:pwd@localhost Commented Mar 18, 2016 at 10:26
  • @ThorA.Pedersen Yeah I forgot the -c part, thanks. Glad that you solved :)
    – kos
    Commented Mar 18, 2016 at 10:31

To list all torrents known to transmission-daemon at <host> on <port> You can use

 transmission-remote <host:port> -t 

Where port needs to be specified only if transmission-daemon is running on a custom port.

This will list all torrents with status, for example :

 transmission-remote -l   
     ID   Done       Have  ETA           Up    Down  Ratio  Status       Name
      1   100%    2.73 GB  Done         0.0     0.0    0.0  Stopped      erst.minvh.bol.02.inversebol
      2   100%    2.78 GB  Done         0.0     0.0    0.1  Stopped      erst.minvh.bol.01.inversebol
      3   100%    2.41 GB  Done         0.0     0.0    0.6  Stopped      erst.minvh.bol.04.inversebol
      5   100%    2.82 GB  Done         0.0     0.0    0.5  Stopped      erst.minvh.bol.06.inversebol

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