I can not disable the tap to click in Lubuntu. I have gone to Preferences --> Pointing Devices and selected the Tapping sub-menu and the box for Disable Tapping is checked. However, I can still tap the touchpad to change the active window etc.

What is the correct way to disable this feature in lubuntu?

1 Answer 1


https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Mouse#Touchpad_settings is the Lubuntu Documentation on touchpad settings. Open a terminal and enter synclient -l That will give you the current touchpad settings. Scroll down to the MaxTapTime. It probably says MaxTapTime = 180 or some other number. To disable tap to click according to the Lubuntu documentation enter synclient MaxTapTime=0.

  • This will disable it for the moment, but upon reboot, tapping is enabled again. Mar 15, 2016 at 13:05

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