I fail to install pip by:

# install wine and python
sudo apt-get install wine winetricks
winetricks python

# try to install pip
winetricks pip

BTW, there is no pip.exe under Python26/Scripts.

~/.wine/drive_c/Python26/Scripts$ ls
pywin32_postinstall.py  pywin32_postinstall.pyc  pywin32_postinstall.pyo
  • 1
    You could install newer Python versions that already include pip: wine msiexec /i python-X.Y.Z.msi /L*v log.txt
    – jfs
    Feb 24, 2016 at 0:44

2 Answers 2


Newer Python versions already include pip. Choose the proper version from Download Python (for me, python-2.7.10.msi) and install it on wine by:

$ wine msiexec /i python-2.7.10.msi/L*v log.txt

To install Python packages on wine, for instance,

$ wine python.exe Scripts/pip.exe install pyinstaller

Successfully installed pyinstaller-3.1.1 pypiwin32-219

Refer to this post Build a Windows executable from Python scripts on Linux for the detailed description.


The above answer gets it right but for those who want to install Python 3 for Windows, pip is included and it can also be executed from the python binary.

wine python -m pip install pyinstaller

Follow this guide: http://realtechtalk.com/How_To_Install_python_34_35_and_up_on_Linux_with_wine_Working_Solution-2288-articles

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