I have an old grouper tablet that mostly gathers dust these days, i wanted to give Ubuntu Touch a whirl, but something is wrong with the USB port on my device, afaik it isn't physical damage, but only charging and USB OTG works, I am unable to access adb or fastboot, the tablet does not even register as a connected device on any of the PC i've tried (And no, it's not the cable or drivers, i already exhausted this theory, cables all function fine with my phone etc)
The only way i can swap roms, is though recovery; the tablet is unlocked and rooted from back when the port worked fine, and i have CWM on the recovery partition, so the only way i can install new ROMS is via a zip, stored either on the emulated storage ("SDCARD") or on a USB Stick via USB OTG (cwm supports this)
There used to be a ZIP version available for download at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/quantal/mwc-demo/quantal-preinstalled-armel+grouper.zip but as you can see this is no longer available..
any help or updated links would be appreciated!