I've started a quest for a multiheaded system with the following links:




The last link is the one I've been using to test because it offers some feedback and debugging while getting set up.

On the client machine I can SSH into the Host without issue. When I enter:

export | grep DISPLAY

The prompt returns a reasonable string like "localhost:10.0"

when I enter this on the host machine:

Xdmx :1 +xinerama -display localhost:10.0

on the host machine this is returned:

(Fatal Error) dmx: dmxOpenDisplay: Unable to open display localhost:10.0

on the client machine this is displayed in the terminal window:

X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.

I've googled a ton and the client side error is where I'm stuck. I found this site http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/x11-connection-rejected-because-of-wrong-authentication/

Going down the list of recomendations on that site (on the host and client machines that are identical laptops): My hard drive has got almost nothing on it 61G of 72G available I checked the ownership of /.Xauthority and I own it and have permission to read and write to it, I even ran chmod 0666 without luck to see if that changed anything. The last instruction is `X11Forwarding yes is declared in the sshd_config file.

Does anyone have any recommendations as to where I should turn next or where I've gone wrong?



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