I wanted to create dual boot machine with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS but something went wrong and I accidentally formatted Windows partition. After formatting, I cancelled installation. I didn't click on "Install" and so I think that data hasn't been overwritten. So, how can I recover the partition with all data (if possible)?
I need this data badly as I don't have, unfortunately, a backup for them.
I'm trying to use TestDisk on Ubuntu liveCD but I don't want to make another mistake. What do I have to do now?
I'm at this point:
HPFS - NTFS [OS] and HPFS - NTFS [DATA] should be the old partitions of Windows (C: and D:). If I select the first one and press P the terminal crashes, but if I do the same with both NTFS [DATA] partitions it shows me the list of a part of my files. But now I don't know how to proceed...