I'm using a Macbook Pro w/ Intel i5 processor and have attempted to install ubuntu 15.10, 64-bit as dual boot along with OSX. I booted Ubuntu using a USB and went through the installation process, selected a partition and swap space and installed Ubuntu. However, at the point where the 'where are you?' screen pops up, I get a Force UEFI installation window that invariably gets stuck, the two options are 'Go Back' and 'Continue'. After some browsing, I realised that this is a recognised bug, but none of the sites seem to give a way to deal with this bug or the steps I should take to navigate my way out of this.
A little help is needed, thanks.
(On a similar note: if such an error presents itself, is there a faster way of restarting installation than logging out and using the default 'ubuntu' username as the 'xkill' command line in the terminal is not available pre-install . )