Hej, I'am new with Linux and I want to install PolSARPro. But I don't know how. I should compile a .bat-file, but I can't find how to do that. From Install instructions: "Before running PolSARpro, Linux Users have to compile the executable processing files. For this, is provided a batch file, called Compil_PolSARpro_v5_Linux.bat located in the Soft directory." Anybody knows how this works? Thank u!

  • Linux does not have batch (.bat) files, as those are scripts for the DOS/Windows command prompt. However, I presume it's actually a shell script, and you just need to run it.
    – dobey
    Commented Oct 11, 2015 at 17:00
  • I've tried that, but without success. I think I have to generate a .sh from the .bat, because further in the instructions: "Once the executable files compiled, create a link between the directory where is installed PolSARpro software and the sh command to launch PolSARpro, with: ln –s /my_dir/PolSARpro_v5.0/PolSARpro.sh /usr/bin/PolSARpro
    – Piotr De
    Commented Oct 11, 2015 at 18:20
  • Can you provide a link to the installation instructions? Maybe someone here understands them better than you and can clarify them. Commented Jun 23, 2016 at 14:25

1 Answer 1


The Compil_PolSARpro_v5_Linux.bat file is a shell script. You must run it with sh Compil_PolSARpro_v5_Linux.bat within the Soft sub-directory of the distribution after unpacking it.

The symlink is not absolutely necessary, to run the program. You'll just need to run the PolSARpro.sh script with the full path, every time you want to run the program.

The resulting file is in fact a shell script, but it is named PolSARpro_v5.0.tcl instead of PolSARpro.sh. You'll need to run this file with sh. You should probably contact the ESA to report these issues with the software though. They really should make this easier for people to use.

  • I've tried that. There is no PolSARPro.sh but a PolSARpro_v5.0.tcl Here is a link to the full instructions: [dropbox.com/s/oqs4hcji1pnstn8/… I don't understand that, because I using Linux since yesterday. Thanks
    – Piotr De
    Commented Oct 11, 2015 at 19:00
  • The PolSARpro_v5.0.tcl file is a shell script.
    – dobey
    Commented Oct 11, 2015 at 20:55

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