I am attempting to install Ubuntu on a refurbished Lenovo Thinkpad T420 with a 128 gig SSD. There is a 70 gig win7 partition and the rest of the space is unallocated, as I shrunk the win7 partition in Windows. I'm booting Ubuntu from a flash-drive. Both when using the Ubuntu installer and when using GParted, I am unable to create partitions.

GParted error log when attempting a swap partition:

GParted 0.19.0 --enable-libparted-dmraid --enable-online-resize

Libparted 3.2
Create Primary Partition #1 (linux-swap, 1.95 GiB) on /dev/sda  00:00:00    ( ERROR )

create empty partition  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )

path: /dev/sda3
start: 168146944
end: 172242943
size: 4096000 (1.95 GiB)
clear old file system signatures in /dev/sda3  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )

write 68.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 0  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )
write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 67108864  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )
write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 2097147904  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )
flush operating system cache of /dev/sda  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )
set partition type on /dev/sda3  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )

new partition type: linux-swap(v1)
create new linux-swap file system  00:00:00    ( ERROR )

mkswap -L "" /dev/sda3

/dev/sda3: No such file or directory


GParted error log when attempting an ext4 partition:

Create Primary Partition #1 (ext4, 39.06 GiB) on /dev/sda  00:00:00    ( ERROR )

create empty partition  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )

path: /dev/sda3
start: 168146944
end: 250068991
size: 81922048 (39.06 GiB)
clear old file system signatures in /dev/sda3  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )

write 68.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 0  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )
write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 67108864  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )
write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 41944084480  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )
flush operating system cache of /dev/sda  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )
set partition type on /dev/sda3  00:00:00    ( SUCCESS )

new partition type: ext4
create new ext4 file system  00:00:00    ( ERROR )

mkfs.ext4 -L "" /dev/sda3

mke2fs 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014)
The file /dev/sda3 does not exist and no size was specified



Please tell me I am just doing something really stupid. I am new to this! Don't really understand what's happening. When using the installer it displays the error message: The creation of swap space in partition #3 of SCSI5 (0,0,0)(sda) failed. And when I tried to install Ubuntu without a swap partition, it displayed a similar message about being unable to create an ext4 partition.

============================================================================== Screenshots:

Gparted before allocation: enter image description here

with linux swap partition allocated: enter image description here

  • Please start gparted from your flash driver and give a link to a screenshot.
    – Pilot6
    Jul 22, 2015 at 12:34
  • And what is the problem? You created a swap partition, now create another ext4 partition and press "Apply".
    – Pilot6
    Jul 22, 2015 at 12:54
  • But this is what happens when I press apply: i.imgur.com/FxH4PWy.png It fails to create the partition... Jul 22, 2015 at 12:56
  • And then afterwards it looks like this: i.imgur.com/oNAxjnO.png What was supposed to be a swap partition becomes an unknown partition Jul 22, 2015 at 12:57


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