I see press any key...
on my screen and:
I'm wondering which key I should press...
I'm pressing a key, but nothing happens!
I see press any key...
on my screen and:
I'm wondering which key I should press...
I'm pressing a key, but nothing happens!
TL;DR In most cases the Any key is the space bar.
Check your skills
sudo apt-get install xautomation
sudo apt-get install xbindkeys
printf "%s\n\t%s\n" "\"notify-send 'Any key'\"" "space" > ./foo
xbindkeys -f ./foo
check your skills and after that killall xbindkeys
, maybe with copy'n'paste ;)
BTW, I have the Any key. Works great.
On this example keyboard:
Esc F1F2F3F4 F5F6F7F8 F9F10F11F12 Prnt Scrl Pse
` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = Bksp Ins HmePgUp
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] Entr Del End PgDn
Caps A S D F G H J K L ; ' #
Shift \ Z X C V B N M , . / Shift ↑
Ctrl ❖ Alt Alt ❖ ≡
Ctrl ← ↓ →
Press any of the black keys once.
Don't press any of the orange keys.
and Shift
, for example, but usually not the Fn