I installed Lubuntu 15.04 Vivid last week, making the first step away from Windows for me.

I am running Firefox 38.0 (Mozilla Fifefox for Ubuntu canonical - 1.0). In Windows 7, when I loaded pages with non-Latin/special characters like Japanese Kanji and Korean, they were displayed correctly, but now Firefox seems to have a problem displaying them; they appear like boxes with letters and numbers in them.

The only advice I've found was to change the Settings > content > Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above to true, but that was already set.

What else can I try?


1 Answer 1


After installing the package ubuntustudio-font-meta through

sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-font-meta

everything seems to work fine. The Japanese and the Korean characters are displaying correctly, as well as the Chinese, Vietnamese and IPA.

Wikipedia mentions some language support packages for Debian/Ubuntu here.

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