I've installed the ibus-unikey package, but I can't use Vietnamese (Unikey) (Ibus) Method. It's not available. I tried to remove and reinstall the package, but this problem remains.

screenshot showing input sources and terminal after ibus restart

Is there any way to fix it?!

2 Answers 2


My friend installed Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit. Then he installed Vietnamese (Ibus) (Unikey). There's no problem with his computer.

I think the cause of my problem was updating my Ubuntu from an older version to 15.04. The system reported some error, so I tried to restart my computer and continued the update.

After reinstalling 15.04, this problem disappeared.


You need to log out and log in again.


I now understand from your comment that you did. Then the next advice would be to open System Settings -> Language Support and make sure that the selected "Keyboard input method system" is IBus (and relogin if you need to change it).

  • After install the ibus-unikey package, I tried restarting my computer, but it not works. May 18, 2015 at 14:18
  • @AnhNguyễnNgọc: Just edited my answer, adding another idea. May 19, 2015 at 13:08

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