How do I write a bash shell script that requests the user's name, verify that it exists and, if it does, show the following information:

Username: xxxx
User ID: xxxx
Group ID: xxxx
Shell: / bin / xxx
Directory: / home / xxx

I have this so far:


echo "Ingrese el nombre del usuario"
read nombreUsuario
id $nombreUsuario


if [ $RESULTADO = "0" ];then
    id $nombreUsuario | tee salida.txt
    echo "id del usuario:"
    cut -f 1-1 -d" "--output-delimiter="; " salida.txt
    #asignar la salida de cut a una variable
    UID=$(cut -f 1-1 -d" " --output-delimiter="; " salida.txt)
    echo "ID del Usuario: $UID"

    #quitar el texto UID
    UIDUNICO=$(echo UID | cut -d= -f2)
    echo "ID del Usuario: $UIDUNICO"

But that just shows the first part. How do I show the rest?

  • 1
    That's what the finger and id commands are for.
    – muru
    May 12, 2015 at 0:24
  • 3
    Don't use uppercase variable names for internal purposes. You risk overriding special shell variables and environment variables. And that just happened in your script there. UID is a special, read-only, shell variable that holds your uid. Any attempt to assign anything to UID will fail.
    – geirha
    May 12, 2015 at 7:36
  • This can be done with awk in like couple of lines. May 12, 2015 at 13:38

4 Answers 4


Here's one way to get the gid, uid, shell and directory:

printf "Enter username: "
read user

groupid=$( id -g $user )
userid=$( id -u $user ) 
usershell=$( grep $user /etc/passwd | awk -F':' '{ print $7 }' ) 
userdirectory=$( grep $user /etc/passwd | awk -F':' '{ print $6 }' ) 
  • Enclose search term inside backslash and feed the file to awk directly instead of piping from grep May 12, 2015 at 14:00
  • why at copy in the archive in nano appears syntax error?
    – alex
    May 13, 2015 at 3:25
  • That's strange, what version of bash are you using? (do this command -> "bash --version | head -1"). Also try to type in it manullay instead of copying, there becomes often problems when you copy and paste the code from a website.
    – krt
    May 13, 2015 at 5:26

Here is a python solution:

#!/usr/bin/env python2
import sys
with open('/etc/passwd') as f:
    for line in f:
        if line.startswith(sys.argv[1] + ':'):
            parts = line.rstrip().split(':')
            print 'Username: ' + parts[0] + '\n' + 'User ID: ' + parts[2].rstrip()
            print 'Group ID: ' + parts[3] + '\n' + 'Shell: ' + parts[6].rstrip()
            print 'Directory: ' + parts[5].rstrip()

You can put all the print statements in a single line, for better view-ability i have put it in several lines. Save this as a file e.g. username.py. Run the script giving the username as the first argument to the script. For example:

python username.py foobar

where foobar is the username.

If found the output will be like:

Username: foobar
User ID: 1000
Group ID: 1000
Shell: /bin/bash
Directory: /home/foobar
  • line.startswith(sys.argv[1] + ':') will read each line of the /etc/passwd file to check whether it begins with the given username. The : will ensure that we don't select e.g. foobarspam while our input username is foobar

  • If so, then line.split(':') will make a list of fields (separated by :) of the line

  • Then we print out the desired indexed values from the list along with the appropriate string.


If with "the user's" name you meant the username of the user running the script:


read -p "Username: " username
if [ "${username}" == "${USER}" ]
    user_data="$(< /etc/passwd sudo grep "^${username}:")"
    echo "Username: ${username}"
    echo "User ID: $(<<<"${user_data}" cut -d: -f3)"
    echo "Group ID: $(<<<"${user_data}" cut -d: -f4)"
    echo "Shell: $(<<<"${user_data}"  cut -d: -f7)"
    echo "Directory: $(<<<"${user_data}" cut -d: -f6)"

If with "the user's" name you meant any username:


read -p "Username: " username
if [ $(< /etc/passwd grep "^$username:") ]
    user_data="$(< /etc/passwd sudo grep "^${username}:")"
    echo "Username: ${username}"
    echo "User ID: $(<<<"${user_data}" cut -d: -f3)"
    echo "Group ID: $(<<<"${user_data}" cut -d: -f4)"
    echo "Shell: $(<<<"${user_data}"  cut -d: -f7)"
    echo "Directory: $(<<<"${user_data}" cut -d: -f6)"
  • ok but when i pste this code in nano and execute with sh xxx... sintax error apear
    – alex
    May 13, 2015 at 3:24

Another bash way:

#! /bin/bash
read -p "Username: " user

if IFS=: details=($(getent passwd $user))
    printf "Username: %s\nUser ID: %d\nGroup ID: %d\nShell: %s\nDirectory: %s\n" "${details[0]}" "${details[2]}" "${details[3]}" "${details[6]}" "${details[5]}"

One can, in a single step

  • run a command, taking its output - $(getent passwd $user)
  • split the output on :, save the result as an array IFS=: details=(...)
  • and use the exit status of the command for testing in if

Then it's just a matter of printing the correct fields.

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