Previously i was using ubuntu and had to switch due to pc performance issue.. Is there a way to Previously i got gnome-print-screen option replaced by shutter edit option from below thread for ubuntu.. Looking for the same for Lubuntu..

Replace gnome-screenshot save option with shutter edit screen or atleast shutter main screen in ubuntu 14.10?

Not sure how to do the same in Lubuntu 15.04. ? Is this thing prossible or I have to live with default option of scrot printscreen that images are silently saved in a directory, when i press printscreen, without any popup or screen.

1 Answer 1


Here is the way to change keyboard shortcuts in Lubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard#Create_New_Keyboard_shortcuts Open lubuntu-rc.xml in your favorite editor.. (Mine its vim, it could be leafpad/vi/nano )

  `sudo vim ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml` 

then find the following code..

<keybind key="Print">
           <action name="Execute">
           <command>lxsession-default screenshot</command> 

Comment out <command>lxsession-default screenshot</command> and add <command>shutter -f</command> .. (or just you can replace, instead of commenting, but I prefer doing so)

<keybind key="Print">
       <action name="Execute">
       <!-- <command>lxsession-default screenshot</command> -->
       <command>shutter -f</command>

And also you can replace ( Alt + Print ) option by changing to this shutter -a in the following manner..

<keybind key="A-Print">
      <action name="Execute">
        <!--<command>lxsession-default screenshot window</command> -->
        <command>shutter -a</command>

Then reload openbox

openbox --reconfigure 

Rest are same as this
Then open shutter and go to menu (Edit--->preference--->main) Select Do not save file automatically

enter image description here


At this point you have achieve main screen by pressing printscreen button or Alt + printscreen button.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

To open edit windows, instead of main screen, when ressing printscreen button or Alt + printscreen button, go to Actions in preference and select open with Built-in Editor

enter image description here

And make sure other settings remain as below in behavior section,

enter image description here


  • can you comment on why i wouldn't just reconfigure the default lxsession behavior?
    – Michael
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 23:13

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