I am trying to solve what might be an unsolvable broken system. Apparently virtuoso-nepomuk is tripping up something in the upgrade process and causing an unable to migrate to dependancy based boot sequencing error (or something like that). From what I can tell virtuoso-nepomuk is the package that is not playing well.

Can I remove it? What will break if I do?

For what it is worth I seem to be running 12.04 shell but seeing the version report as 14.10 so...

EDIT: Apparently it is not installed so why would it cause problems?

EDIT: However the script is still reporting as broken in the logs with a missing end of LSB comment (whatever that is)

  • 1
    You could run apt-get remove -s virtuoso-nepomuk and see what happens. The -s means "simulate" and does just print terminal output but without touching the system. This way you can see which other packages would get removed with it.
    – Byte Commander
    Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 22:56
  • And please provide full command outputs instead of interpreting and quoting some snippets of them. Thank you!
    – Byte Commander
    Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 22:57
  • I would love to copy and paste everything but unless there is a way of doing this from TTY1 I cannot. This system is very broken. Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 23:01
  • 1
    If you a net connection, try and install pastebinit - since apt is giving you problems, try directly with apt-get download pastebinit, sudo dpkg -i pastebinit*.deb. Then you can pipe the output of any commands to pastebinit and it will create a paste (by default at paste.ubuntu.com).
    – muru
    Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 23:07

1 Answer 1


Apparently it some sort of powerful SQL thing. I am not sure what exactly. However in this case the problem was that it was a leftover file in /etc/init.d/ that famously gets in the way of upgrades. I moved it with sudo mv /etc/init.d/virtuoso-nepomuk ~ which stuck it in my home folder to be dealt with later.

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