1. I encrypted my swap with ecryptfs, but sometimes when I boot during the splash screen it says the swap is not encrypted, then it disappears. How can I check if it is encrypted?

  2. Only my $HOME files are encrypted. What can be done about the information that leaks into system directories like /var/log? To where does it leak? How can I clean them systematically?

  3. Supposing the answer to number 2 is that it leaks a lot, is full HD encryption a better option to solve this? If yes, what free program to use, since ecryptfs does not have this option?

  • 1
    That is three different questions. This site works better if you ask one question at the time so I suggest that you split them up. You should search the site before asking questions. askubuntu.com/questions/53242/check-if-partition-is-encrypted may answer your first question.
    – N.N.
    Aug 31, 2011 at 8:32
  • It doesn't answer number 1 because to check it unlogged I have to enter either as root or guess. I already did that, and root sees all, and guest sees the typical x on the folder, because the user has no access no matter if encrypted or not, so it does not give me information. Aug 31, 2011 at 9:32
  • I suggest you edit your question to clarify it then.
    – N.N.
    Aug 31, 2011 at 9:58

1 Answer 1


You should really ask one question at a time, instead of 3 together.

You can see your swap partitions with:

cat /proc/swaps

And you can see your device-mapper encrypted swap partition configuration with:

cat /etc/crypttab

As long as all of your swap partitions listed in /proc/swaps are also configured for encryption in /etc/crypttab, you're in good shape.

Home Directory Encryption is only meant to protect the data you store in your home directory, and is intended as a balance among security, usability, and performance. Various bits of system information "leak" (as you say) to /etc (configuration files), /var (varying program information and log files) and /tmp (temporary files). If you want to encrypt all of that, you should use full disk encryption, which you can configure at installation using the Ubuntu Alternate Install media.

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