I want to install a new pandoc version. I followed the procedure outlined here.

mark@server:~$ sudo cabal install pandoc pandoc-citeproc

This worked out. But when checking on the installed version I get

mark@server:~$ pandoc -v

This is not the newest one, although, when trying to rerun the above installation command I get another version info:

All the requested packages are already installed:
Use --reinstall if you want to reinstall anyway.

How do I get Ubuntu to run the latest install version? This might be a simple Ubuntu question (well I am new to Linux) but I do not understand how I can get Ubuntu to see the new pandoc version.

  • Cabal not affect the archive of ubuntu packages. You need to move generated binary to desired path for execution, and uninstall manually the system package. Jan 3, 2016 at 4:46

2 Answers 2


Cabal not affect the archive of ubuntu packages. You need to move generated binary to desired path for execution, and uninstall manually the system package.

  • can you elaborate a bit on that, so newbees will understand (i.e. locations, paths etc.)? Jan 4, 2016 at 12:24

Pandoc is written in the Haskell programming language. Cabal is a sort of package manager for Haskell programs. If you install anything with Cabal, the binaries end up in $HOME/cabal/bin/.

However, very likely your PATH environment variable is not pointing to that directory, or not pointing at it before other directories.

You should try the following in a terminal:

export PATH

pandoc --version

This should work. If it does, put the first two lines into your $HOME/.bashrc file, right at the end.

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