With the following code:

border-image: url("assets/sidebar-row.png") 6 23 6 / 6px 23px 6px;

No problem, but when I use:

border-image: url("assets/sidebar-row.png") 6 23 6 / 6px 23px 6px fill;

It fails.

2 Answers 2


According to the GTK+ specs, only the following values are supported:

  • The default (stretch) is to resize the slice to fill in the whole allocated area.

  • If the value of this property is “repeat”, the image slice will be tiled to fill the area.

  • If the value of this property is “round”, the image slice will be tiled to fill the area, and scaled to fit it exactly a whole number of times.

  • If the value of this property is “space”, the image slice will be tiled to fill the area, and if it doesn’t fit it exactly a whole number of times, the extra space is distributed as padding around the slices.

So I would use in your example:

border-image: url("assets/sidebar-row.png") 6 23 6 / 6px 23px 6px stretch;

Gtk doesn't yet support fill, but it would have to be specified like:

border-image: url("assets/sidebar-row.png") 6 23 6 fill / 6px 23px 6px;

because 6 23 6 in your example is the border-image-slice part of the border-image shorthand property, and fill is a border-image-slice option.

More info: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/border-image

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