How do I install flash player over Using Ubuntu 12.04.

This is my wife's computer, and she just told me she can't see any videos using Flash Player. Message says She needs to update... I'm not sure about the "right" procedure.

I need step by step info (or tutorial), so that I can show her how it's done.

  • Could be that Firefox keep incorrect 'latest' flash version in pluginreg.dat file. You can try delete it from ~/.mozilla/firefox/some name.default/ (src archwiki) Feb 18, 2015 at 6:26

2 Answers 2


You can download and update it from Adobe website :


or download flash player debian package :


  • While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. Feb 7, 2015 at 13:19
  • @DavidFoerster You're right, i won't do it again :D.
    – Sartist
    Feb 7, 2015 at 16:12
  • Though in this case it's more about the missing instructions than the possibility of the links going offline. I guess Adobe only takes their Flash download page offline after they discontinue its support. Feb 7, 2015 at 22:36

It seemed as though Ubuntu 14.04 did not want to install the APT package from adobe with ubuntu software center. I uninstalled and installed/upgraded with synaptic and apt-get as well and got no joy. I was able to: sudo dpkg -i Downloads/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.442-0trusty1_i386.deb with the .deb referenced here previously and go 'round the problem and flash is now playing in firefox again.

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