I'm trying to find and answer using search but nothing's working. What I try to do: I'm editing a part of a html file using VIm, by creating a local file. Then, from VIm, I'd like to copy all (Ctrl+A in windows, sorry for the reference), then paste all in the web browser form to update the web page (it's a CMS based form, when we can use WYSIWYG but I prefer HTML).
I've tried to use this commande: gg"*yG to yank all, but when I paste in the web browser, it pastes an old thing that was in the clipboard (I guess).
I've also tried this solution (How to paste text from Vim editor to browser?) Select the text without pressing a shortcut key and middle-click in the browser window, or Select the text, press shift-ctrl-c and then use ctrl-v to paste ...
But doesn't work.
I'm on Ubuntu Workstation 14.04 LTS, maybe I've not installed the correct VIm package, in any case can yout ell me how to check it? And maybe how to copy all my file in VIm to paste it in Firefox form.
Thank you for your precious help!
is the X11 native cut buffer. If you past with CTRL-V you should use"+
. I tested with this comment and it seems to work. So the full command isgg"+yG