How can I write a bash that will execute at login and starts a terminal with message.

pseado code: .bash_login


echo "hello user $username";

Just trying to learn some bash skills. Can someone please point me to a good tutorial about this or show me how to do this.

1 Answer 1


The gnome-terminal manual shows an option to execute a command in the terminal it opens.

   -x, --execute
             Execute  the  remainder  of  the  command  line  inside   the

But the catch is that once the command finishes, the terminal will close. This thread has a solution for that:

gnome-terminal -x bash -c "echo 'hello world' ; bash"

This will open the terminal and run the bash shell, which then runs the echo and then bash. This is essentially the same thing as a script like:


echo 'hello world'

So gnome-terminal -x script.sh should run the echo and leave you with a bash shell. Once you exit that shell, the original (bash -c, or #!/bin/bash) shell will exit, and finally the gnome-terminal will exit.

You can also use the Message of the Day feature, which runs after login on every terminal.

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