I'm interested in creating a script that makes no use of wget which downloads a file from a specified link . The download should be saved as world.o in the folder /tmp. Can anybody walk me through this ? I'm really new with scripting.

  • I am confused. Are you asking for a solution that does not use wget?
    – Tobias
    Dec 12, 2014 at 18:46
  • That's exactly right :)
    – user43389
    Dec 12, 2014 at 18:47

1 Answer 1


You can use curl. Make a file that contains the following:

curl -o target/path/filename URL

Where target/path/filename is the folder you want to save it to /tmp and URL is your specified link.


curl -o /tmp/world.o http://example.com/your.file

If curl is not installed, you can install it with sudo apt-get install curl.

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