I'm using Ubuntu 14.10 and gnome 3.14. I remap my Alt+F1-4 keys to switching virtual desktops. All of them work besides Alt+F1. Anyone have any clues?

  • In my case F1 & F2 do not work and I have no other programs running. F3 to F6 does go to cmd line OK but altF7 to return does not work. I tried alt F1 and it put up the gnome login so I was able to come back and complete this tale of woe. I think someone has made a mistake somewhere. Feb 7, 2018 at 1:41
  • In Ubuntu 17.10 press the keyboard combination Ctrl+Alt+F2 to go from the virtual console back to the desktop environment.
    – karel
    Feb 7, 2018 at 2:10

1 Answer 1


There is a similar question - to answer your query, the ALT-F1 is in use by something else already, you'll need to disable that (or think of a new number range for your desktops). On my xfce setup it's a right-click, I believe gnome uses it for activity centre?

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