I've checked other and older solutions around the web for wireless issues on Ubuntu 14.04 and a couple solutions here. My problem appears to be either unique or a fluke.
I can connect to the wireless network at home, no problem. But when I'm at school, I can only see available networks -- I cannot connect to them. I open the Network settings, pick a network and try to "Connect" or even use the "Settings" option. Clicking neither button does anything at all. No pop-ups, no windows, no prompts for password. I click and nothing happens. I can see all the available networks, their signal strength, and whether they're secure. I cannot connect to them.
I tried rebooting. I tried downloading various updated drivers via Terminal. This problem only happens at school. I am typing this message at home, connected wirelessly to my router. No issues. It's worth noting I can run Windows at school and connect to the wireless network. School primarily uses Macs, so I don't know if that makes a difference with the routers they're using.
My computer info: Toshiba Laptop -- I'm running Windows 7 64 bit and Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit (full OSes) on this laptop.
I ran the wireless script suggested here from home. The results: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9065947/
UPDATE: Wireless data from the location where I can't connect: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9336368/
All help appreciated. Thanks.
EDITED: Corrections.