I am writing a bash script to automate several actions:


echo "Hello, World"
echo $NAME
echo $PATH
eval "ls"

I am going to call ls, ffmpeg and a lot of other commands.

However running my script gives me the following error:

/var/www/html# ./life.sh test midhand.mp4
+ ./life.sh test midhand.mp4
Hello, World
./life.sh: line 9: ls: command not found

How come? why not found? Maybe I should import a directory with scripts?

  • You need to be more clear. How are you running the script ? what is the intention of this script ? Commented Nov 17, 2014 at 16:47
  • To glue several videos Commented Nov 17, 2014 at 17:35

2 Answers 2


The variable PATH is a special shell variable. It defines the list of directories in which executables/commands can be found.

In the line PATH="${2}", you wipe out the default value of PATH and now the shell doesn't know where to find the ls command. For example, ls can be found in the directory /bin, but you modified PATH to have the value midhand.mp4 (the second argument), in particular PATH does not contain /bin and thus your shell cannot find the ls command.

Try this:


echo "Hello, World"

echo "PATH is '$PATH'"
echo $the_name
echo $the_path
eval "ls"

Note. You can change the last line from eval "ls" to just ls.

You can run man bash to get further information.


You are getting this error message because you have changed the PATH environment variable to a command line argument (${2}) which dose not hold the actual binary.

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