I'm having troubles with Deluge torrent client.

  1. After rebooting my computer, I will have to open / quit few times before I could force re-check and start seeding again.

  2. Tried to download some files and they give me Input / Output error and Deluge doesn't download the files.

I really would like to use Deluge. However these two problems makes it impossible to use it.

I checked the question here; Deluge loses track of .torrent after reboot

Unfortunately I'm not using external drive. I'm keeping the files on my secondary drive (internal).

Is there any work around these troubles?

P.S. I'm a Linux newbie.

  • Is your secondary drive mounted before you start Deluge?
    – Cas
    Nov 11, 2014 at 18:14
  • @Cas Yes, it is.
    – Revenant
    Nov 11, 2014 at 20:09

1 Answer 1


For question 1, do a killall deluged in terminal before rebooting.

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