I am running 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04 and I want to swap my caps lock and control key. I run setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps and it did work. But after reboot, it gets back to what it used to be: caps lock is caps lock, control is control. I have also tried using gnome-tweak-tool and the method here How do you remap a key to the Caps Lock key in Xubuntu?, but they are the same result: it works after running those commands but fails after reboot. How can I swap caps lock and control permanently, without losing it after reboot? Thanks in advanced.

1 Answer 1


Did you try the dconf-editor option setting described here ?

In your case you would leave the sources as is. And change xkb-options to:


[Should be a comment -- dont have 'reputation' for that :-) ]

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