I am having trouble finding out how to start the expanded GUI. I have found a tutorial on how to start this one sudo /opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel
mini xampp gui
But I am not able to find out how to start this one maxed xampp gui


6 Answers 6


You can use the command below

if you use 32 system :

sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux.run

if you use 64 system :

sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run
  • 4
    You got my upvote.
    – HelpNeeder
    Nov 29, 2014 at 8:28
  • So easy - Mine upvote too :)
    – linusg
    Aug 8, 2016 at 18:23
  • It seems this file is removed in newer versions. Mine is XAMPP for Linux 5.6.24 and there's no manager-linux-x64.run in my /opt/lampp/ folder Sep 16, 2016 at 18:33

The primary answer didn't work for me until I did something from followed of this example which states:

I believe that you want to add a GUI xampp control panel. To add a GUI xampp control panel see below.

Just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the command(s) below:

sudo gedit ~/.local/share/applications/xampp-control-panel.desktop

When the text editor opens simply paste the following, close and save.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Start and Stop XAMPP
Name=XAMPP Control Panel
Exec=sudo -i python /opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel.py
Name=XAMPP Control Panel
Comment=Start and Stop XAMPP

If you have a problem with executing the program, install gksu, and in the forth line, replace sudo -i with gksudo. Below is how to

install gksu if not installed, since it has been removed from 13.04.

sudo apt-get install gksu

Look for xampp control panel in dash

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and Xampp 5.6.3.Then I was able to use what the primary answerer posted. This is the code quote from Kyusuf Muhammad:

You can use the command below if you use 32 system :

sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux.run

if you use 64 system:

sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run

Two important notes to the advice given by @HelpNeeder: there should be a quote around the code the executable, and the image for the default icon for Xampp icon is accessible as /opt/lampp/htdocs/dashboard/images/xampp-logo.svg. Copy it into folder /usr/share/icons/Humanity/devices/24/

Thus, the final advice is to open a new terminal, run

sudo gedit ~/.local/share/applications/xampp-control-panel.desktop

and save the following in the file:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Start and Stop XAMPP
Name=XAMPP Control Panel
Exec=gksudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run
Name=XAMPP Control Panel
Comment=Start and Stop XAMPP

This works for me:

gedit ~/.local/share/applications/xampp-control-panel.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Name=XAMPP Control Panel
Comment=Start and Stop XAMPP
Exec=gksudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run

You have to install the package gksu.


The fastest way to spit out the GUI is to use the following codes. One after the other.

cd /opt/lampp
sudo ./manager-linux.run (or manager-linux-x64.run)

Snapshot of the terminal

  • 1
    That's nearly the same as this answer except that yours uses an additional cd command instead of executing the program directly by its absolute path. Jul 11, 2016 at 19:06

I think what you are asking ,is to create a shortcut to launch the graphical interface. If you so , than I've found the solution : 1)Go to /opt/lampp and open terminal and type sudo chmod 777 manager-linux-x64.run (for 64-bit) or sudo chmod 777 manager-linux.run(For 32 bit).

2)Now go to desktop and create a file named xampp.desktop and paste the following :

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Start and Stop XAMPP
Name=XAMPP Control Panel
Exec=sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run
Name=XAMPP Control Panel
Comment=Start and Stop XAMPP

After that save it and double click on the icon. A pop-up may show up ,in there click on Make It Trusted and then run it again. A terminal will open asking for user password. Give it and it will open the Graphical Interface. It worked fine for my Ubuntu and Linux Mint...

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