I was wondering what is the default saving directory for Accessories > Take Screenshot?

I just took a screenshot and I am looking for where it is saved.

  • 2
    If you're asking this question, it's probably because gnome-screenshot crashed after/while taking the screenshot. (To confirm, launch it in a terminal with gnome-screenshot -i, and look for "segmentation fault" when it crashes.) In the normal course of things (if it doesn't crash), it should ask you for a directory where to save the file, immediately after taking the screenshot. Nov 21, 2013 at 5:37
  • If you're wondering about Ctrl + PrtSc too, and not just PrtSc, see my answer here. Jan 29, 2022 at 16:10

10 Answers 10


For 18.04: ~/Pictures

From: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux

screenshot is a default application for taking screenshots on Gnome desktop. To take screenshot simply hit PrtSc button on your keyboard and the screenshot of your entire desktop will be taken and saved as *.png file inside your ~/Pictures directory.

  • 1
    2 Notes: 1) You must first hit save on the dialog window, otherwise it won't save ! x) 2) If you have localized version of Ubuntu, it will be in your home translation of Pictures ~/PicturesInYourLanguage
    – jave.web
    Feb 21, 2020 at 0:39

It should be the desktop directory: ~/Desktop.

You can change it before pressing "Save" button.

  • unless otherwise specified in its options.
    – Thomas Ward
    Jul 7, 2011 at 15:40
  • Thanks! But there is no option for me to specify its directory, and it is not my Desktop by default. Once I hit the take Screenshot button, the application has no more question to ask me.
    – Tim
    Jul 7, 2011 at 15:59
  • 4
    @Tim: I think it crashes: launch it in a terminal with gnome-screenshot -i
    – enzotib
    Jul 7, 2011 at 16:59
  • On Ubuntu 17.10, pressing Shift + Print , and then selecting a custom rectangular area, saves the screenshot inside ~/Pictures/
    – Megidd
    May 3, 2018 at 4:58

On my keyboard, Microsoft Wireless Natural Multimedia Keyboard, if I use the right Shift key along with the Print key, I am able to select screenshot area and save the image to a location. If I use the left Shift key along with Print key, i am able to select print area but it copies the image to the clipboard. Side note, I don't believe Left Shift+Ctrl+ Print does anything different than Left Shift+Print, both give you a cross hair and copy to clipboard.


After you took your screenshot (e.g. by pressing Print or selecting Take Screenshot from the applications menu/Dash) you have a selection of where you want to save the image. You can either Copy to Clipboard or yo ucan save it to a specified directory. By clicking on the dropdown menu next to Save in folder: you can change the save directory easily:

enter image description here

By selecting Other... we may enter any directory of our choice. This selection will be remembered for the next time (saved in gconf: /apps/gnome-screenshot/last_save_directory).

  • 1
    this option is not saved by default, as for 14.10. Feb 16, 2015 at 15:38
  • 1
    @EliranMalka: It only works in gnome-screenshot --interactive. This probably is bug #977228 - defininitely not how it is supposed to be.
    – Takkat
    Feb 16, 2015 at 16:14

Screenshots are not saved automatically; you have to save them yourself. The default screenshot directory is either the desktop or the home folder, and is named Screenshot#.png

  • This answer is obsolete, Please look at my answer. Nov 20, 2020 at 14:56

11.04 and up

You can take screenshots simply by pressing the PrtScr key. A window will pop-up asking for the name and directory to save the screenshot to or if you wish to copy it to the clipboard.

enter image description here

You can also narrow your screenshot to just the active window by using Ctrl-PrtScr instead.


By default Ubuntu keeps screenshot at the pictures folder. Anyways it provides option to change the destination as per user. Please visit the Pictures folder


On Ubuntu 18.04 Just press PrtSc.

I was using Ctrl + Print, OR Fn + Print, it was taking the screenshot in the clipboard but wasn't storing the screenshot in the /home/{user}/Pictures directory.


For Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04+:

I want to add that:

  1. Ctrl + PrtSc (PrintScreen) will take a screenshot and copy it to the clipboard. It does NOT save the image anywhere on your file system. Paste the screenshot into another program, such as LibreOffice Writer, with Ctrl + V.
  2. Just PrtSc will take a screenshot and save it on your file system inside the ~/Pictures directory in the format Screenshot from YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS.png. Ex: ~/Pictures/Screenshot from 2022-01-29 09-03-13.png.
    1. Note: depending on your keyboard, you may have to use the Fn key or other keys as well to activate the PrtSc key.
  • PrtSc – Captures a Screenshot of the entire screen as it is. This is then saved to the ‘Pictures’ directory.
  • Shift + PrtSc – Captures a screenshot of a specific region that you select. This is also saved to the ‘Pictures’ directory.
  • Alt + PrtSc – Captures a screenshot of the current window you are working on. This is also saved to the ‘Pictures’ directory.
  • Ctrl + PrtSc – This shortcut copies the screenshot of the entire screen directly to the clipboard.
  • Shift + Ctrl + PrtSc – This shortcut copies the screenshot of a specific region that you select on the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + Alt + PrtSc – This shortcut copies the screenshot of the current window that you are working on to the clipboard.

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