I have bought a Leoxsys WiFi USB device to use WiFi in my PC. Its working absolutely fine in Windows7 as its provided with windows7 Drivers. Installing and using drivers in windows 7 is easy and Its working fine.

But coming to Ubuntu linux 12.04LTS its not working . Actually I found drivers for all OS's in Device's official site. Here is the link . But they did not provide any guide to how to install those drivers in linux. I am new to Ubuntu, can any one help regarding this. I want create WiFi hotspot with it. I tried aphotspot and some tutorials on the web, nothing worked.

Can any know the solution for my problem.

  • If the problem is not fixed can u provide me your teminal output of : lsusb
    – user596952
    Sep 23, 2016 at 7:16

1 Answer 1

  1. Open a terminal Ctrl+Alt+T.
  2. Change to the extracted directory: cd ~/Downloads/Realtek\ Ap\ Adapt/driver/Linux. (You have to replace this by the path on your system)
  3. Allow the installer to be executed: chmod +x install.sh
  4. Run the installer as root: sudo ./install.sh

If any errors occure, add them to your question, if you can't fix them on your own.

  • I did the same what you said, its throwing me follwing error, I hosen option 1 and entered root password, but following error. Please select card type(1/2): 1) RTL8188eus 2) RTL8189es #? 1) You have selected Unknown NIC type Authentication requested [root] for make clean: Password: su: Authentication failure Authentication requested [root] for make driver: Password: su: Authentication failure ################################################## Compile make driver error: 1 Please check error Mesg ################################################## Sep 1, 2014 at 12:37
  • Then do sudo -s, enter your password, and then run ./install.sh
    – s3lph
    Sep 1, 2014 at 12:38
  • I tried with sudo -s .. Same error man Sep 2, 2014 at 6:22
  • Could you please add the error to your question. (Click the edit button.) Please format it as code. (the <?> button in the editor.)
    – s3lph
    Sep 2, 2014 at 16:47

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