I what to format my computer such that both the os and all additional applications are going in one partition and all of my person files in a second one. The reason for that is that I can then create a ghost based on the first partition only and therefore save a lot of space. Alternatively, I would like some help on how to create a ghost that doesn't consider specific folders under my home directory (i.e. my personal files). Any ideas?

  • Backing up your OS and apps seems pointless IMHO. Backup the settings for your apps sure but the binaries? Why bother when you have a package manager which can re-install everything again in a few minutes anyway?
    – krowe
    Aug 25, 2014 at 17:56
  • See: askubuntu.com/questions/343268/… - you want / on one partition and /home on another.
    – muru
    Aug 25, 2014 at 17:57
  • Use murus link or this one askubuntu.com/questions/283060/… they do what you want
    – Mark Kirby
    Aug 25, 2014 at 18:09

1 Answer 1


Short answer is you can't. because Linux uses filesystem hierarchy. And there isn't only one path for storing application's data.

However, most space for data is on /usr directory but for your case, it doen'st help you for seperating it because some config files will leave out and you'll end up with package confliction.

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