Skype version 4.2 comes with a low res 48x48 statusbar/tray icon. How can I change the icon to a higher resolution icon?


1 Answer 1


I made a .deb package with a hack that compels sni-qt:i386 to use images located in /usr/share/pixmaps/skype/ directory for systemtray skype status icons, based on webguruz.ru page.

To install

wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/x91gec5q0uz3hnx/sni-qt_0.2.6-0ubuntu1_i386-modified.deb?dl=0 -O sni-qt_0.2.6-0ubuntu1_i386-modified.deb

sudo dpkg -i sni-qt_0.2.6-0ubuntu1_i386-modified.deb

Then you need to install new icons, for that follow the steps bellow:

wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/wimn53noljv0vbi/skype_systemtray_custom_icons.zip?dl=0 -O skype_systemtray_custom_icons.zip

unzip skype_systemtray_custom_icons.zip

sudo mkdir /usr/share/pixmaps/skype

sudo cp skype/* /usr/share/pixmaps/skype

sudo chmod +r /usr/share/pixmaps/skype/*

The icon set I provide here is based on Faenza-Dark Theme, for change the icons, just replace the images in /usr/share/pixmaps/skype directory.

To remove

sudo dpkg -r sni-qt_0.2.6-0ubuntu1_i386-modified.deb
sudo rm -r /usr/share/pixmaps/skype
  • 1
    I've decided to create script basing on that solution. It's available at github.com/pwittchen/fix-skype-icon. I hope someone will find it useful. Commented Nov 1, 2015 at 14:26
  • @piotr.wittchen thanks a lot for this, but maybe you might also add the modified deb file as well as mono-dark and mono-light icon sets to that github repository just in case.
    – Sadi
    Commented Apr 6, 2016 at 20:29
  • @Sadi I think, you should ask this question to Gabriel Araújo. I haven't prepared any deb files or icons. I just took existing solution and made a shell script out of it. Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 8:26
  • 1
    @Woeitg Yes, you just need replace icons inside /usr/share/pixmaps/skype directory Commented Aug 12, 2016 at 19:50
  • 2
    Could you share the patch for that? Now the actual version of sni-qt is 0.2.7, so you package is not installable anymore :(
    – Grief
    Commented Sep 21, 2016 at 8:12

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