I am very new to Ubuntu.

When I installed Skype I used an old Id but I have a newer one that is exactly the same as my hotmail email. Every time I open Skype it is opened with the older ID but I would like to change this.

I can open another instance by using skype --secondary but I would like to remove the first one because I want to Lock to Launcher with the newer ID.

I read some forums telling about deleting the ./Skype folder but I don't know which folder that is.

2 Answers 2


It's .Skype, a hidden folder in the home directory.

Hit ctrl+h to reveal hidden folders, or run rm -r .Skype in a terminal window to remove it.

  • Thank you. How can I show hidden files by terminal (typing dir plus something)?
    – DemeCarv
    Commented Jul 5, 2014 at 2:27
  • dir -a, or ls -l. Commented Jul 5, 2014 at 5:19

For Ubuntu 20.04:

rm -r ~/.config/skypeforlinux/Local\ Storage

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