I'd like to install ubuntu-desktop on the server edition of Ubuntu 4.04 LST. The default installation is bloated, with too many packages in it. So I tried this:

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop

This however, installed a desktop version with nothing on it at all. Not even a power button on the upper taskbar, or a way to configure networking on the desktop, or a disk usage utility.

Is there a reasonable installation option, made for humans who just want a complete desktop installation with no extra software like OpenOffice or Thunderbird?

I could not find a way to get a complete OS installed without all the other stuff that I don't need..

If not, then how can I know which packages to install to get these basic features into the minimal desktop? Searching on the dash gave me nothing other than online pages.


1 Answer 1


I think these should cover what you want:

  • Some recommended packages for ubuntu-desktop (apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop to see complete list):

    sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility gnome-terminal libpam-gnome-keyring \
    libproxy1-plugin-gsettingslibproxy1-plugin-networkmanager network-manager-gnome \
    network-manager-pptp network-manager-pptp-gnome ttf-ubuntu-font-family xdg-utils 
  • Some recommended packages for unity (apt-cache depends unity to see complete list):

    sudo apt-get install unity-control-center unity-lens-applications unity-lens-files \
    indicator-session indicator-power indicator-keyboard indicator-datetime \
    indicator-sound indicator-application indicator-appmenu hud

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