note this is probably a duplicate, in fact I'm sure it must be a duplicate, but I can't find it anywhere. There are questions about font rendering or incorrect fonts in evince, but as far as I can tell, not the specific case I am referring to here.
It seems that evince does not handle display fonts well. If I open a PDF in Acroread (or whatever the PDF reader from Adobe is called nowadays), it looks fine, but when I open the same PDF in Evince, the results look horrible. Here is a comparison:
(Evince is the lower sample)
Does anyone know how to force Evince to display the fonts correctly or, as an alternative, suggest a better alternative to Evince? Overall I like Evince because it is fast and secure (it doesn't execute embedded JavaScript which appears to be the most commonly spread vulnerabilities from the interwebs lately), but I'm happy to consider alternatives.