Trying to change GTK Theme, Icon Theme or Wallpaper and results in nothing. When I try to remove things from the launcher, they come back...

Already tryed to remove "./compiz", "./config" and ".profile" from /home/"my_user" but the problem persists. I'm using Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.7, and my home is encrypted (actually, I'm receiving a error message about encryption during boot time).

I'll truly appreciate some help, thanks !

2 Answers 2


In my case I changed the owner of the file user to my user from root file is can be found in the following path /home/.config/dconf/user

This fixed my problem.


Apparently, works after renaming ~/.config to ~/.config.bak and restarting the machine.

  • Hi -- could you explain what you renamed /.config from or to? I'm having a similar problem to yours. Nov 26, 2014 at 17:43
  • Sorry for the delay im my response. I was meaning the "./config" in the /home directory
    – Victoralm
    Dec 2, 2014 at 1:44

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