First here are two versions of a script that move all selected files into a new folder.
Versions 1 which will ask for the new folder-name:
# Define a function that launches the zenity input dialog
zenity --entry --width=300 --title="Create New Folder" --text="Enter the new name:"
# Ask user for foldername
foldername=$(get_foldername) || exit
# Try to create a new folder with the name from user input
errorString=$( mkdir "$foldername" 2>&1 )
# If an error occurs show error dialog and ask again for foldername
while [ -n "$errorString" ]; do
zenity --error --title="$( echo $errorString | cut -d: -f3- )" --text="$( echo $errorString | cut -d: -f2- )" || exit
# Ask again for foldername
foldername=$(get_foldername) || exit
errorString=$( mkdir "$foldername" 2>&1 )
# Move selected files to the new folder
mv -t "${PWD}/${foldername}" "${@}"
Versions 2 which will paste the files in a new folder and names him with current date:
foldername=$( echo `date +%Y-%m-%d`"-"`date +%H%M%S` )
# Try to create a new folder with the current date and time
errorString=$( mkdir "$foldername" 2>&1 )
if [ -n "$errorString" ]; then
zenity --error --title="$( echo $errorString | cut -d: -f3- )" --text="$( echo $errorString | cut -d: -f2- )"
# Move selected files to the new folder
mv -t "${PWD}/${foldername}" "${@}"
Save the script (or both but in different files) in the directory $HOME/bin
call it something like this
and make it executable:
Now we have to add the scripts to Thunar.
There a two possibilities to add scripts to the right click menu of Thunar (as far as I know):
Send to method:
Create a folder $HOME/.local/share/Thunar/sendto
Create a file in this new folder and call it move-to-new-folder.desktop
Content of the file:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/username/bin/ %F
Name=New Folder
3. Make the file executable
More info:
Custom actions method:
More info: