I have tried following some of the step by step instructions given but I think some of eh codes and instructions that need to be entered into the terminal window may be specifically for older versions of the Ubuntu operating system

  • 1
    Which instructions ? last I looked utorrent was a windows client that ran on wine and with numerous linux native clients, why not use a linux native client?
    – Panther
    May 23, 2014 at 18:43
  • 1
    I would strongly recommend Deluge, which is in Ubuntu Software Centre (for 14.04).
    – david6
    May 23, 2014 at 20:54
  • just followed this exaclty and i get the below sudo: utorrent: command not found what have i done wrong? Thanks
    – user305763
    Jul 15, 2014 at 14:18

2 Answers 2


There isn't (yet) a 14.04 package from the µTorrent team.

Instead you have to work with the 13.04 package, which you can download from HERE.

make sure you have libssl installed:

sudo apt-get -y install libssl0.9.8

extract your downloaded tarball to /usr/local:

cd /usr/local && sudo tar -xzf /path/to/utserver.tar.gz

symlink that into place:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/ /usr/local/utorrent/

extract the webUI and set up the necessary subdirectories:

cd /usr/local/utorrent
sudo unzip webgui.zip
sudo mkdir maint torrents.queue torrents.active

copy and paste this example configuration file into /usr/local/utorrent/utserver.conf using your editor of choice (e.g. vim, nano, gedit):

dir_root: /usr/local/utorrent/
ut_webui_dir: /usr/local/utorrent/webui/
dir_active: /usr/local/utorrent/torrents.active/
dir_completed: /home/<userid>/Downloads/
dir_temp_files: /usr/local/utorrent/tmp
dir_autoload: /usr/local/utorrent/torrents.queue/
dir_request: /usr/local/utorrent/maint

You can now start µTorrent like this:

sudo utorrent -settingspath /usr/local/utorrent/

And connect to the webUI at localhost:8080/gui with admin and no password (change that immediately).

EDIT: 201405241343Z: replaced opt with usr/local as more idiomatic for debian/ubuntu

  • /opt is not a common or standard location to install something like this, generally Debian/Ubuntu uses /usr/local . There is a nice, more technical discussion here - askubuntu.com/questions/34880/… . As you are using libssl0.9.8 installed from apt, /usr/local is the preferred location. In practice, as long as one understands $PATH I am not really sure it makes a difference.
    – Panther
    May 23, 2014 at 20:23
  • Edited to reflect the more idiomatic debian/ubuntu path.
    – James S.
    May 24, 2014 at 13:45
  • Running any server software as root is really bad advice. You should create a new user (adduser) and run it as that user.
    – jmiserez
    Aug 11, 2014 at 15:35
  • Yes, that is true. It is also outside of the scope of this question. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect users to make their own decisions about system administration best-practices.
    – James S.
    Aug 12, 2014 at 15:49

The current webui.zip extract to folders ./web/ and ./mobile/

ut_webui_dir: /usr/local/utorrent/webui/

will not work. You have to unzip webui.zip && mv web webui

and update your config to ut_webui_dir: /usr/local/utorrent/

to point to the parent directory. That's how I got it to work.

Also helpful when executing add -daemon and -logfile /usr/local/utorrent/utorrent.log options

Thanks for the howto, regardless Cheers,

A script to create an upstart to run the process so all you have to do a is sudo service utorrent start

`cat << EOF > /etc/init/utorrent.conf

description "Start utorrent server process"

start on startup stop on shutdown

exec /usr/local/utorrent/utserver -settingspath /usr/local/utorrent/ \ -logfile /usr/local/utorrent/utserver.log \ -pidfile /usr/local/utorrent/utserver.pid EOF `


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