If you want to install the binary that comes directly from Nvidia, I can tell you how I have accomplished this in the past.
Switch to TTY CTRL-ALT-F1
Find the PID for gdm-binary (e.g., ps ax | grep 'gdm-binary'
Kill associated PID for gdm-binary (e.g., sudo kill -9 1136
With X shutdown, you are ready to install the binary from Nvidia. Please use the appropriate name for the binary you are attempting to install. The following example is using the NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.41.19.run binary downloaded from Nvidia:
`sudo sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.41.19.run`
Now it is a matter of following the prompts presented when running the binary. Generally speaking, I do not allow the binary to monkey with my xorg.conf. Once the Nvidia driver has been installed, I tend to like to shutdown the system rather than to reboot.
or shutdown now
Upon booting the system, if all has to gone to plan, the new Nvidia driver should functional. Hope this helps.