I have Xubuntu 14.04 on a SSD device (the HOME was encrypted correctly during intallation), additionally I have a HDD with a encrypted partition with extra data which I would like to mount in /mnt/hdd. For making these I followed the next steps:
(Previously I had encrypted the disk with LUKS following this post http://www.marclewis.com/2011/04/02/luks-encrypted-disks-under-ubuntu-1010/)
Check the UUID
sudo blkid
/dev/sda1: UUID="b3024cc1-93d1-439f-80ce-1b1ceeafda1e" TYPE="crypto_LUKS"
Make a keyfile with the right passphrase and save it in my HOME (which is also encrypted).
sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/home/[USERNAME]/.keyfiles/key_luks bs=1024 count=4
sudo chmod 0400 .keyfiles/key_luks
Add the key
sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sda1 /home/zeugor/.keyfiles/key_luks
New entry in /etc/crypttab
hddencrypted UUID=b3024cc1-93d1-439f-80ce-1b1ceeafda1e /home/[USERNAME]/.keyfiles/key_luks luks
Update the initial ramdisk
sudo update-initramfs -u -k all
Then, to test it, I used the follow command to start cryptdisks:
sudo cryptdisks_start hddencrypted
* Starting crypto disk...
* hddencrypted (starting)..
* hddencrypted (started)...
To check hddencrypted was mapped:
ls /dev/mapper/
control hddencrypted
Create a mount point
mkdir /mnt/hdd
New entry in /etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/hddencrypted /mnt/hdd ext4 defaults 0 2
Validate fstab without reboot:
sudo mount -a
Mount the encrypted partition on boot
Now I have mount it in/mnt/hdd as I proposed. But I wold like to make this automatically after reboot. But before I can log in, I get this error:
the disk drive for /mnt/hdd is not ready yet or not permit
All this makes me think that /etc/crypttab can't access to the keyfile which is located in my HOME (other encrypted partition). I don't know the order which the system follows to unencrypted and mounts the units. My HOME should be unencrypted before my HDD for giving access to read the keyfile.
I would appreciate any insight as to why this happens.
UPDATE: If I locate the keyfile in /boot (no encrypted), instead of in my /home/[USERNAME] (encrypted) the /dev/sda1 and update the entry in /etc/crypttab is perfectly mounted on boot time.
encrypted? A full disk encryption like LUKS or based of ecryptfs?