I am using Ubuntu 13.10 and come from Ubuntu 13.04.

First check locahost, It's work fine. PhpMyAdmin is also work fine. I look some related problem here. But some similarities with this answer and still I have problem when I write for-example http://localhost/PHP_Work/ in a browser.


You don't have permission to access /PHP_Work/ on this server.

Path of PHP_Work folder is : /var/www/PHP_Work

Following results of line write by using terminal:

conf.d files

zeb@zeb-Lenovo-B570:/etc/apache2/conf.d$ ls

Result: empty folder

zeb@zeb-Lenovo-B570:/etc/apache2/conf-available$ ls


charset.conf            localized-error-pages.conf    security.conf
javascript-common.conf  other-vhosts-access-log.conf  serve-cgi-bin.conf

Site File

zeb@zeb-Lenovo-B570:/etc/apache2/sites-available$ ls

Result: 000-default.conf default-ssl.conf

Don't know how and what changes make in virtual host directives. Or what should I do to sort it out , any help would be appreciated.



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