I downloaded unity 3d game engine from the official website.
I tried to install using this command:
wine unity*.exe
Then trying to open I get the following error:
error initializing license system
I downloaded unity 3d game engine from the official website.
I tried to install using this command:
wine unity*.exe
Then trying to open I get the following error:
error initializing license system
Add the following key to your wine registry:
wine reg add 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' /v ProductId /t REG_SZ /d 12345-oem-0000001-54321
) and install it over again, but before the first unity run, add the given key. The thing is, that message is because unity cannot find the license key, at least for me it worked
Jun 27, 2014 at 0:01
In my case, I just installed a 32 bit version of Unity3D, even though my system was x64, it fixed the problem.