I just downloaded the GTA SA.. and it works fine with the SA:MP 0.3z RC2, but I have a big problem. There is a server which uses a secondary client. I tried to run it with WINE and Mono, but it still doesn't work. By the way, it needs .NET 2.0 on Windows, but I can't make it work on Ubuntu 12.04.

This is the client program:


Error message when run by Wine:

wine: Install Mono for Windows to run .NET 2.0 applications.

Error message when run by Mono:

The entry point method could not be loaded.

Any ideas?

2 Answers 2


type this in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install mono-vbnc
mono ~/Downloads/ClassRPG.exe

assuming you downloaded the file in your home download directory and it is named ClassRPG.exe

  • I did it, installed mono-vbnc before, but it still says: The entry point method could not be loaded
    – user255875
    Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 18:14
  • try to run the application from command line: mono ~/Downloads/ClassRPG.exe
    – kamil
    Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 18:16
  • I did, but as i said, it wont work: metadata.c:886: assertion 'index < meta->heap_strings.size' failed metadata.c:886: assertion 'index < meta->heap_strings.size' failed metadata.c:886: assertion 'index < meta->heap_strings.size' failed metadata.c:914: assertion 'index < meta->heap_blob.size' failed metadata.c:914: assertion 'index < meta->heap_blob.size' failed metadata.c:886: assertion 'index < meta->heap_strings.size'... and so on..at least it says: The entry point method could not be loaded
    – user255875
    Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 18:25
  • 2
    install winetricks: sudo apt-get install winetricks then add dotnet 2.0 : winetricks dotnet20
    – kamil
    Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 18:36
  • I've got 64bit version i cant use that. Can you give me a 64bit version, please?
    – user255875
    Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 19:28

If the application in question is pure .Net and compatable with Mono, simply run:

sudo apt-get install mono-complete

Then run it from mono.

If not, you can use winetricks to install Mono or .Net in order to run it.

For .Net you need to be running a 32bit Wine bottle, but for wine-mono or mono you can run it on 64bit or 32bit

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