I have already installed Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0 and would like to update it to the newer version which is Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1.

I have already downloaded the _deb.tar.cz files that were required but I can't seem to access the download through the terminal to install it.

What I tried was to open the Home/ directory but it can't seem to find it using the command:

cd /home/downloads/apache 

What did I do wrong?

  • 3
    Is there a reason for not using the default LibreOffice? this is available form the Software Center and therefore much easier to use. If you do wish to do a manual installation I advise you to look for a .deb installation package since that is the Ubunut (debian) native package format.
    – bacon
    Feb 24, 2014 at 14:36
  • I agree with bacon: it is usually best to use software from the repository (for example, installed with the Software Center). You can be sure it will work with your version of Ubuntu and you'll get updates automatically. Feb 24, 2014 at 15:18

2 Answers 2


Go into the downloads folder and extract the tar.gz file by running,

cd /home/$USER/Downloads


cd ~/Downloads
tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz

The above command extracts the .deb file inside Downloads directory.Then run the below command to install .deb file,

sudo dpkg -i filename.deb

The D in downloads is a capital, so you need to enter

cd /home/user-name/Downloads

here user-name should be replaced with your user name, or you can use:

cd /home/$USER/Downloads


cd ~/Downloads

Understand the directory structure of Ubuntu (and Linux in general)

your Home directory as shown in nautilus is actually /home/user-name.

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