Gparted should do the job
After resizing with gparted, boot from the drive to give the OS a chance to fix any errors before imaging with Clonezilla.
Then runs Clonezilla and make a copy of the needed hard disk partitions
Another Option which I found great for me: MondoRescure
Mondo Rescue is a GPL disaster recovery solution.
It supports tapes, disks, network and CD/DVD as backup media, multiple
filesystems, LVM, software and hardware Raid.
A simple guide can be found here
I will post some screenshots:
1.Choose from the list of supported backup media types.
2.If you are backing up to CD/DVD-+R[W] then Mondo will ask you if your CD burner has BurnProof technology, is inside a laptop, or is otherwise eccentric. If you are backing up to a tape streamer then you will not see this message
3.How much compression do you want? None, if your tape streamer has built-in hardware compression. Maximum, if your CPU is blazingly fast. Average should do just fine for most situations.
4.If you want to backup the whole computer (excluding /sys, /run and /proc, naturally as well as /tmp) then leave this as / which is the default. Otherwise, specify subsets, (e.g. /usr/local|/home ) being sure to put a pipe in between each path.
5.If you are backing up your whole computer then you might want to exclude certain directories, e.g. /shared/MP3. Please specify them in the 'exclude directories' dialog box. Please put a pipe in between each path, e.g. /shared/private|/scratch|/nfs|/windows
6.Is your kernel sane? Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE, Debian and Slackware users should in general say 'yes' because these vendors are good at producing reliable kernels. If you are using Gentoo or LFS then your kernel might be non-standard, in which case say 'no' to use Mondo's failsafe kernel (provided separately).
7.If you want to verify the archives after writing them to media, say 'yes' here. If you have absolute faith in your hardware and your Linux distribution, say 'no'... and a little prayer.
8.If you are sure you want to go ahead, say 'yes' and find something else to do while Mondo backs up your computer. If you say 'no' then you will be unceremoniously dumped at the shell prompt. :-)
9.The backup process will now commence. There are some pre-backup tasks to be carried out first but the backup is essentially underway. To simplify the backup process, you were asked a series of questions. Next time, if you like, you could call mondoarchive with various command-line switches to control its behavior, instead of answering a series of questions. See the man page for details.
10.Mondo will make a catalog of all files to be backed up. This may take up to five minutes. The list of files will be divided into sets, approximately 4 MB (before compression) of files per set. This typically takes one minute.
11.Mondo calls Mindi. Mindi generates bootable media image and auxiliary data disk images which are based on your existing Linux distribution and filesystem. That way, you can be sure Mondo's tools will be compatible with your existing filesystems and binaries: Mondo's tools are your tools. Mindi takes up to five minutes to run.
12.Finally, Mondo begins backing up your computer. This process may take a few minutes or a few hours, depending on how much data you are archiving, how fast your CPU is, how much RAM you have, and so on. It will backup your regular files and then your large files (files larger than approximately 32MB). If you have opted to verify your backups, Mondo will do that too.
1.Choose your type of backup media. The live restoration process is very similar to what you'll experience if you type mondorestore with no parameters after booting from a Mondo media.
2.Hit 'OK' when you have inserted the tape/CD. If you generated a tape backup, the tape itself should be enough. If you generated a CD backup, the first CD should be enough. Otherwise, you may need the boot media.
3.Flag the files and directories you wish to restore. Use the 'More' and 'Less' buttons to open and close subdirectories.
4.Specify the location to restore the files to. In general, '/' is appropriate. If you do not want to overwrite newer versions of the files you are restoring then specify /tmp/BKP or similar as the restore path.
5.Mondorestore will retrieve configuration information from the media. (The sample screen is for tape users. CD users will see something different.)
6.Data will be restored to the hard disk - first the regular files, then any big (32MB or greater) files in the restore set.